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NV Cellulitech ECO

The active blend of NV Cellulitech ECO acts synergistically in the treatment of gynoid lipodystrophy and in the reduction of measures, conferring a draining, anti-inflammatory, anti-free radicals action, reducing lipogenesis, activating lipolysis with significant improvement of microcirculation. Gynoid lipodystrophy, commonly known as cellulite, is a change in fatty tissue with the appearance of deformations in the skin similar to the appearance of orange peel. It can occur in any region of the body, however, it is more frequent in the region of the glutes and thighs and affects more women than men. Topical treatments for cellulite include several agents and mechanisms of action, starting with those that activate microcirculation, reduce lipogenesis, promote lipolysis, restore the normal structure of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and agents that eliminate free radicals or prevent their formation.